Zimbra Profelis Edition discover its features for yourself!
We have prepared an alternative to Exchange that meets all the needs of many of our customers regarding e-mail. Give it a try!
* Contact us to experience it for yourself in a live environment.

Zimbra Recompiled with Profelis Expertise

Push Notification
Calendar and More
Reduce Costs
Corporate reduce costs Time!
While meeting all your corporate e-mail needs, you can also avoid high costs.
Zimbra Profelis Edition, offers more than your old email service!
Experience this convenience for yourself in a private demo environment.
Zimbra 9 Based on Open Source Version

Experience it for yourself now with the demo environment!
See Features
Zimbra versions choose the one that suits you!
The open source version of Zimbra meets basic needs but lacks the essential features for enterprise use.
That's why, driven by organizational needs Zimbra Profelis EditionWe have developed the
Moreover, we have not forgotten your administrative needs such as mobile compatibility, corporate logo placement, backup features and e-mailing on behalf of the group.
Your old emails come with you when you migrate to Zimbra
While you are using your new e-mail service, we can transfer all your records up to that day for you.

See for yourself the answers to your questions in a demo environment